Friday 12 December 2014


Transcendentalism was an intellectual movement that emphasized the dignity of the individual and advocated a simple, mindful life. 

Key tenets of transcendentalism included:

1) A theory that "transcendent forms" of truth exist beyond reason and experience; every indvidula is capable of discovering this truth on his or her own, through intuition.

2) A conviction that people are inherently good and should follow their own beliefs, however controversial they may be

3) A belief that humankind, nature, and God are all interconnected

What is the main theme of "Self-Reliance"?

What is Emerson speaking of when he mentions consistency, and why does he berate it as "the hobgoblin of little minds'? 

Writer Henry James argued that Emerson had no concept of the evil that exists in the world.  In James' words, it was "a side of life as to which Emerson's eyes were thickly bandaged...He had no great sense of sense of the dark, the foul, the base."  In your opinion, is this a valid criticism of Emerson?  Citing evidence from "Self-Reliance" explain why or why not.

Lastly - write a precis of "Self-Reliance".

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