Wednesday 17 December 2014

Holiday's Homework

Finish Walden and the 55 dialectical journal entries.

Then answer the following in preparation for your essay:

1.) Does Walden appeal to our "sense of rebelliousness and individualism"? Are we "inspired by his idealistic actions and principled and good-humored erudition"? Do we enjoy thinking about how we might take a more "Thoreauvian approach" to our own lives?
2.) How do modern conveniences and gadgets influence our culture? After reading Thoreau, are we now eager to give them up?
3.) Can we consider how doing and thinking for ourselves is made possible (or impeded) by modern educational and cultural institutions?
4.) To which "genre" (or genres) does Walden belong?
5.) What is Thoreau's relationship to his audience and to society as a whole? How does he situate his narrative persona? That is, what kind of person is the "I" in the text, and how do we know?
6.) How can Walden be considered as an application of Transcendental philosophy?
7.) Choose one tenet of transcendentalism and explain how Thoreau affirms, complicates, or rejects it in a chapter in Walden.
8.) Locate passages in the text that seem directly comparable to one of the other authors we've read -- especially Emerson, but possibly also others, like Franklin. How does Thoreau use one or more of the ideas of this author?
9.) Discuss the way that Walden redefines a familiar word, such as economy, travel, or shelter.
10.) Since Thoreau's text proceeds from the central metaphor of Walden Pond (in the same way that Whitman's "Song of Myself" on p. 1238 proceeds from a blade of grass), how does each chapter of Walden define some overlooked philosophical or metaphorical aspect of nature?
11.) How can Walden be considered as a response to the "runaway train of nineteenth-century growth, industrialization, mass agriculture, and capitalist values?
12.) Consider Thoreau's work as a reformist response to one of the following:
  • industrial capitalism
  • manifest destiny
  • technological progress
  • slavery


As describe in Walden what is Thoreau's assessment of American Culture (what is wrong with it)?  Using specific evidence from the text discuss and outline his argument.  Then respond to it.  Do you agree or disagree with his insights?  Discuss.

A good website to look at is Cumming Study Guides - go here

Friday 12 December 2014


Transcendentalism was an intellectual movement that emphasized the dignity of the individual and advocated a simple, mindful life. 

Key tenets of transcendentalism included:

1) A theory that "transcendent forms" of truth exist beyond reason and experience; every indvidula is capable of discovering this truth on his or her own, through intuition.

2) A conviction that people are inherently good and should follow their own beliefs, however controversial they may be

3) A belief that humankind, nature, and God are all interconnected

What is the main theme of "Self-Reliance"?

What is Emerson speaking of when he mentions consistency, and why does he berate it as "the hobgoblin of little minds'? 

Writer Henry James argued that Emerson had no concept of the evil that exists in the world.  In James' words, it was "a side of life as to which Emerson's eyes were thickly bandaged...He had no great sense of sense of the dark, the foul, the base."  In your opinion, is this a valid criticism of Emerson?  Citing evidence from "Self-Reliance" explain why or why not.

Lastly - write a precis of "Self-Reliance".

Monday 8 December 2014


Today - we are going to go over the 1st draft of your synthesis essay. 

Then if we have time we will read, "Self-Reliance".  Found HERE

Thursday 4 December 2014

MLA - web sources

1)   Name of author
2)   Title of article           
3)   Place it was published (or title of website)
4)   Page numbers
5)   Date it was published
6)   Medium – (web)
7)   Date the material or website was accessed.

Or go to Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting HERE