Tuesday 23 September 2014

Political Research

This week we will start researching political candidates.  First, choose three candidates and find out where they stand on at least three topics (you can choose more than three if you wish).  Topics could be things such as health care, energy resources, taxes and/or the economy, the issue in Syria, etc.

2nd, I want you to think about where you stand on the issues you've researching.  Do you agree with any of the candidates?  Which one?

3rd, I want you to analysis the candidates position: what's their argument?  How are they trying to convince their audience (who is their audience)?  What type of appeals do they use?  What types of supports?  Is there an occasion that's important beyond just the election?  

4th, You'll need to turn this in next Tuesday.

You will also need to start writing the first draft of your oration/persuasive speech on which candidate you want an audience to vote for and why.  This essay should be 3-4 pages in length and use outside sources.  You'll need address at least three different issues and try and use analogues, expert testimony, statistical/quantitative data, and facts (this are types of support).  You will need to also use the three appeals: Logos, Ethos, Pathos.
Also for next Tuesday read - "The Morals of A Prince" on page 372 of One Hundred Great Essays and write a precis 

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