Monday 11 May 2015

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Monday 27 April 2015

MLA Format

Today we need to discuss MLA format.

Also go HERE

Put the following in proper MLA format without using a citation machine:

1)   The novel To Kill A Mockingbird
2)   Your history textbook
3)   Your AP Language textbook: One Hundred Great Essays
7)   The song “Forever Young” by Bob Dylan on the album Planet Waves
10)                   “Line of Fire” article in Time from April 20 2015.  You might need to go to the library to get this article.

Wednesday 22 April 2015


Today - we will be doing another "open question" in order for you to perfect it.  We will discuss it and rewrite it tomorrow.

The hope is to get to write a "7" on the open question.

Friday - we will look at some videos pertaining to the AP Language test.

Wednesday 15 April 2015


Finish reading "The Communist Manifesto".

Write a precis on it.

Monday 13 April 2015


Today, we will look over your analysis essays, discuss the open question and read (perhaps our last in-class reading), Karl Marx: "The Communist Manifesto".

HW: Practice "Open Question"

Friday 3 April 2015

Analysis Question

Today we are going to read three essays:

"On Ben Franklin's Virtues" by D.H. Lawrence
"Nonverbal/Verbal" by Leonard Shlain
"Mother Tongue" by Amy Tan.


Choose one essay and write an essay in which you:

   Analyze rhetorical devices used by an author to achieve his or her purpose

Thursday 2 April 2015


Today we are going to read 2-3 essays.


1 - the handout on the analysis essay, and choose one essay that we read in class and

o       Analyze rhetorical devices used by an author to achieve his or her purpose

Tuesday 31 March 2015


Today we are going to finish Shmoop review (at least course #1) and tomorrow more on to a practice essay - passage analysis.

Homework: Chapter 9 and 10 in 5 Steps to a 5 (these are the last chapters in the workbook).

Go to  and begin to practice AP Vocabulary.

Thursday 26 March 2015


We are going to continue looking at the SHMOOP "review" course, but more on the the analytical essay.

First we need to discuss what you read last night.


Wednesday 25 March 2015


Today we will continue with Shmoop AP review - MULTIPLE CHOICE.

First, let's review 5 Steps to A 5.

HOMEWORK - chapter 5 in 5 Steps to A 5.

Tuesday 24 March 2015

AP Multiple Choice and Review

Okay - before we move on to the research essay - let's return to multiple choice questions.


Read through chapters 1 and 2 of the AP Language "REVIEW TOPICS".

Also for homework read through "5 Steps to A 5" chapter 3.

BUT FIRST - do this review quiz

Monday 23 March 2015

Last look at your essays

Today - all your essays, except the Persuasion essay is due.  We will go over your persuasive essay so that you can revise it tonight and turn it in tomorrow.  In the next few weeks we are going to start reviewing for the AP test and looking at analyzing non-fiction prose texts.

Quarter Four: The Research Paper and Preparing for the AP test.

“The Communist Manifesto” by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
“On Ben Franklin’s Virtues” by D. H. Lawrence
“Me Talk Pretty One Day” by David Sedaris
“A Woman’s Beauty: Put-­‐Down or Power Source?” by Susan Susan Sontag
“Nonverbal/Verbal” by Leonard Shlain
“Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan
“Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie
Selections from the MLA Handbook


AP multiple choice questions/exercises
Precis on selected readings
Writer’s Workshop – grammar and style exercises
Group discussions of topics and theses; determining viability of research


During this quarter blogs will be the place students begin to list their sources and notes for their research essay. I expect to see three entries per week.

Research Paper: Three drafts of a researched argumentative or expository paper synthesizing diverse sources and cited in MLA format.

3 AP In-­‐class Writing Prompts.

The research essay will be graded on a rubric developed by the instructor. The AP In-­‐class writing prompts will be graded on the AP rubric.

During this quarter students will also be encouraged to read and review 5 Steps To A 5 by Barbara L. Murphy and Estelle M. Rankin. The school has copies of the 2012-­‐ 2013 book that can be borrowed.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Persuasion and Argument

Today we will go over persuasion and the argument essay.  We will read two essays from the book.

Homework - write a precis on one of the essays and come up with an idea from an argument essay.

Note - draft was suppose to be due tomorrow, need to finish it and rewrite the other essays next week.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Definition: Points to Remember

DEFINITION Points to Remember 

  1. Remember that you are obligated to define key terms that you use in your writing— such as Marxism, alternative medicine, nontraditional student. 
  2. Understand your purpose in defining: to explain, to entertain, to persuade, to set boundaries, or to establish a standard. 
  3. Understand how writers construct an argument from a definition. For example, by defining the good life or good government, they argue for that kind of life or government. 
  4. Know the several ways of defining: giving examples, analyzing qualities, attributing characteristics, defining negatively, using analogies, and showing function. 
  5. Learn to use definition in combination with other strategies, as a basis on which to build an argument, or as supporting evidence. 

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Definition Essay

Today, we will go over the definition essay (chapter 5 page 291) and look at two sample "definition" essays by professional writers.

Homework: Write a precis on one of the essays we read in class.

Definition Essay draft due - 3/6.

Monday 23 February 2015

Classification Essay

Today - we will discuss your classification essay and go over your Poetry Out Loud poem.s


 Points to Remember

1. Determine whether you want to (a) explain an existing system of classification of (b) create your own system.
2. Divide your subject into smaller categories by applying the same principle of selection to each category.
3. Make sure that your division is complete by establishing separate and consistent types of categories.
4. Arrange your categories (and the examples you use to illustrate each category) in a logical and emphatic sequence.
5. Demonstrate the significance of your system by calling your readers’ attention to its significance.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Classification Essay

Today we are going to look over classification essays.  You'll need the River Reader (chapter 4 page 221).  We'll read the introduction and two division and classification essays.  For homework you will write a précis on one of them.

Tomorrow come to class with an idea for a classification essay.

This essay is due on 2/25 (a week from tomorrow).

Friday 13 February 2015


Today - we will go over your essays and discuss how to improve them.  We will also pick out your poems for the POETRY OUT LOUD STATE CHAMPIONSHIP!

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Compare and Contrast

Points to Remember

1. Decide whether you want the pattern of your comparison to focus on the complete units (divided) or specific features (alternating).

2. Consider the possibility of combining the two patterns.

3. Determine which subject should be placed in the first position and why.

4. Arrange the points of your comparison in a logical balanced, and dramatic sequence.

5. Make sure you introduce and clarify the reasons for making your comparison.

Monday 26 January 2015

Modes Project


1. Focus your narrative on the “story” in your story— that is, focus on the conflict that defines the plot.
2. Vary the pace of your narrative so that you can summarize some events quickly and render others as fully realized scenes.
3. Supply evocative details to help your readers experience the dramatic development of your narrative.
4. Establish a consistent point of view so that your readers know how you have positioned yourself in you story.
5. Represent the events in you narrative so that you story makes its point.


Points to Remember

1. Arrange the steps in your process in an orderly sequence.
2. Identify and explain the purpose of each of the steps in the process.
3. Describe the special tools, terms, and tasks needed to complete the process.
4. Provide warnings, where appropriate, about the consequences of omitting, reversing, or overlooking certain steps.
5. Supply illustrations and personal anecdotes to help clarify aspects of the process.

Monday 19 January 2015

Thematic Unit - Quiz

So - today we will be taking a quiz (it's open book) on the thematic unit.

It's more of a - DID YOU READ quiz.  It's not to punish you.  

After the quiz we should talk about what you learned by reading this unit, and we should practice your poem for POL.

Tuesday 13 January 2015


1) Start memorizing your poem
2) Read the next ten pages in chapter 8 (the river reader)
3) Start prewriting for narration essay (MODES PROJECT)

Modes Project

Today, we are going to go over you poem for POL; go over you ideas for the "MODES PROJECT"; and finish reading "Digging".

Monday 12 January 2015


1) Come up with three or four ideas for "themes" for your modes project
2) Find 1 Poems for POL
3) Read 1st 10 pages on Chapter 8 (Thematic Unit on Survival) in the river reader

Friday 9 January 2015

Modes Project


1)   Student will read “Resources for Writing” (Thematic Unit – Survival) in their Riverside Reader pages 493 – 563.

The purpose of this aspect of the assignment is to further their understanding of seven different rhetorical modes of development and to show them a model for the writing project that they will be doing.  Reading the selections, which are all on the same topic, the Internet, but which utilize the various “modes of development”.

2)   Read two additional essays of their choice of each mode and write a précis (posted on their blog) for each.  These readings should come from The Riverside Reader.  While students are doing this aspect of the project the class will be studying and working with various modes in class.
3)   Write six papers on the same topic, each in a different mode. 

Each paper should clearly demonstrate the distinct characteristics of the mode.  Before writing the student should review the different chapters for tips on purpose, audience, strategies, and in some cases, potential pitfalls.  Especially important will be the “Points to Remember” charts handed out during the writing.

Students will choose a topic that is well known and interesting to them and broad enough that they can readily adapt it to six different treatments:  1) narration, 2) analysis, 3) compare and contrast, 4) classification, 5) definition, and 6) persuasion

Topics that have be suggested include: shopping, a favorite sport, school, friends, teenagers, grades, parents, teacher, TV, movies, reading, dating, music, holidays, fashion, presidential elections, politics, religion, vegetarianism, health, food or cooking, nature, etc.

Each paper should be approximately 500 words, labeled with the mode of development, double-spaced, typed, have a creative title, and a word count at the end.

Total project should be approximately 3000 words.

Each paper will be workshopped in a group setting and discussed 1-1 with teacher.

PROJECT will be due at SPRING BREAK.  

Other Due dates: Thematic Unit read ("Survival") by 1/20. There will be a quiz on it.

Narration Essay (draft) due 1/23
Analysis (draft) due 2/4
Compare and Contrast (draft) due 2/13
Classification (draft) due 2/25
Definition (draft) due 3/6
Persuasion (draft) due 3/13
FINAL drafts due 3/23 (when you return from Spring Break).