Thursday 20 November 2014

Work for over the break and for 12/1 and 12/2

Work on synthesis essay.  Try to get a draft done by 12/1 so that Shelby Surdyk can give you comments and feedback on it.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Here is an interesting debate

Unit 2 Writing Assignment

Writing Assignments:
Synthesis Essay on a topic of the students choice that relates to the theme of Justice and Civil Rights. Students must use at least five sources, one of which must be visual – either a chart, photography, political cartoon, video, etc. All sources must be cited in MLA format. The essay will go through multiple drafts.

Today we will talk about topics.

Monday 10 November 2014


Today -

We are going to discuss Walden, watch "I Have A Dream" by Martin Luther King, and begin reading, "The Ballot or the Bullet" by Malcolm X.


Grammar as Rhetoric and Style: THE APPOSITVE

read pages 167- 170  in The Language of Composition then do the following exercises.

Page 170 Exercise 1 - no. 2,3,5
Page 171 Exercise 2 - no. 1,2,3
Page 171 Exercise 3 - no. 4, 5
Page 172 Exercise 4 - no. 6, 7
Page 173 Exercise 5 - no. 1,2

Friday 7 November 2014


Today we will continue to read and discuss Walden.

Remember the reading schedule:

11/10 page 78
11/17 page 125
12/1 page 194
12/8 page 228
12/17 page 289
1/12 page 324 (with all dialectical journals done!)


Thursday 6 November 2014

The Position of Poverty


The Rights of the Poor, the Rights of Native Americans

Today we will read, "Signing of the Treaty of Port Eliott" by Chief Seattle, and "The Position of Poverty" by John Kenneth Galbraith.  Choose one and write a precis. 

but first lets discuss the following:


Wednesday 5 November 2014

Women's Rights

Today we are going to look at "Ain't I A Woman" by Sojourner Truth and "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman" by Mary Wollenstonecraft (Mary Shelly's mother).

Choose one and write a precise. 

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Civil Responsibilities

Today we are going to discuss your reading for last night - Walden - and look at two speeches by Lincoln "The Gettysburg Address" and "Second Inaugural Address". 

Students will need to write a precis on Lincoln's "Second Inaugural Address".